Business Training for Spiritual People

taking you from overwhelmed and struggling for cash-flow, to inspired and profitable, step-by-step

Hi there, I'm Katie Rose.

I've run yoga studios, written books (for mainstream publishers), and now built a successful online business in the world of yoga and ayurveda. I have a lot of industry experience and I want to share it with you so your business can thrive. 

This program includes everything I wish I'd known when I was building and scaling my business. It's super practical and hands-on. You'll be learning as we grow your business together, week by week. 


Here's where the magic begins ... 

in a program to help with launching and sustaining your work in the world

Together we will:

  • Meet on zoom one-to-one to discuss where you're at and plan next steps that are perfect for you. 
  • Get together in group sessions to learn, grow and expand both mindset and business strategy. 
  • Stay in touch on Whats App both individually and for group feedback
  • Avoid 'busy work' and time-wasting and get laser focused on profit generating activities.
  • Identify where you are 'leaking energy' and losing out. This could be financial (spending money unnecessarily), energetic (wasting time) or in terms of distraction (doing too many things and losing focus). We will tighten up the ship of your business.
  • Create plans that you feel good about, both on the micro and bigger picture level. I don't want you to feel intimidated or overwhelmed. We're going to do this with an emphasis of steadiness and sustainability. 

Whether you are a yoga teacher, spiritual entrepreneur or simply have a business idea you want to explore, this training program is for you. Katie Rose has over 25 years of experience running all kinds of flourishing yoga and wellness businesses. She can help you build yours, staying true to yourself on the way.


Each session is hour and recordings are uploaded if you can't make it live.

You are unique.

Not sure what's different about you or what you have to offer? 

I can help you get clear on what it is about you that will light your audience up, and have them sure that it’s you they want to work with.

In a sea of vanilla, cookie cutter yoga offerings and spiritual businesses it’s your dharma to own your point of difference. Through the words you use to sell and the brand imagery that supports those words together we will find your unique offering.


Business Training with Katie Rose (one payment)

Intimate group business coaching for yoga teachers and spiritual entrepreneurs who want to launch an online offering or expand their current reach. Dates for the next round are coming soon.

1 x Payment $2000


Business Training with Katie Rose (payment plan)

Intimate group business coaching for yoga teachers and spiritual entrepreneurs who want to launch an online offering or expand their current reach. Dates for the next round are coming soon.

12 x Monthly Payments of $168


Here's the strategy ...

This program happens online in live sessions. 

I want to work with you in real time and get stuff done. First we will meet for a one-to-one session for 30 minutes, in which we will figure out where your business is, where it's going and what your goals are. 

Next we will work in an intimate group over 6 sessions. I only take 20 people in each group. When it's full, it's full (the last two rounds sold out quickly). Sessions will be around an hour long and each person will be given specific homework, that we mutually agree on. There will be accountability!

There is a private Whats App group where we all stay connected and keep each other on track for the duration of the training. I'm in there most days, giving you individual support and feedback as we go

You'll have access to a portal of support materials specifically created for this training. Think mind-maps for planning your online program or checklists to help you create your pricing structure. 

Finally we have a last one-to-one to review your goals and celebrate your growth. 


Included in this program is a mini branding session with my personal designer and social media manager, Edwina Peden. We look at how to create beautiful mood-boards, font matchings and instagram reels, videos and canva carousel posts. You'll get Edwina's eyes on your branding and receive a real-time canva tutorial. 

Plus Edwina and I will  walk you through what's possible with my preferred website / online business platform, Kajabi. This is an exclusive opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and ask your burning questions about the pros and cons of different tech options.



  • My focused attention for the duration of our time together.  I'll look at your website, your offers, your systems and your pricing and your branding and give clear and helpful feedback and suggestions. 
  • Honesty and clarity (with lots of kindness). 
  • Suggestions around what technology to use (and what to avoid) and insight into how I have scaled and grown my own business (which is growing year on year). 
  • Connections and networking support where it's helpful. I know a lot of people in this industry and I've made a lot of contacts over the years. If I can support you by helping you connect within my community I will. 
  • I am happy to work with you if your business is online (like mine is now) or bricks and mortar (I ran yoga studios for many years) or product based (I've had a successful tea and essential oils businesses which I sold for a profit last year). 
  • As much Whats App support as you need for the duration of the program. 
  • Access to an online portal with exclusive support materials created by me specifically for this program. 
  • A bonus branding session - just for your business - with my own brand advisor Edwina at Shakti Creative as well as tech suggestions and ideas. 

Exclusive Resources

An example of the support materials created by me specifically for this program. You get access to these in the online portal and I will guide you as to what focus your business specifically needs, so we're not wasting any time on things you've already done. 



The Whats App group is buzzing...


This offering is for you if: 

1) You can attend some of the sessions live - recordings will be available BUT you'll get out what you put in and attending the zoom sessions live is where the magic will happen. 

2) You've got some time to dedicate to your business. It can certainly be a side hustle and you're more than welcome to join us if you're also working a full time job or parenting or whatever else you have on your plate, but I do want to walk with you over these few weeks and do the work together so theory alone won't be enough. 

3) You have some idea of what you want to offer and what your business is about, or you have an established business that needs some extra support or a new direction (or to simply start making more money!). We will spend some time refining your offers and clarifying the niche but coming in with some idea of where you want to go will help you get the most out of our time together. 


There is a logic and process to how I’ve built my businesses.

Let me map it out for you …

It took me YEARS to define and refine my signature process in business. I’m talking years of journaling, studying, podcast listening, list writing and reflecting. Notebooks full of ideas and repeated circling around as I slowly got a grip on what my process is and how it serves my audience. Now I have this clarity it’s my joy to share it with you through these six pillars.

The pillars don’t work in any one order. You might be super disciplined (abhyasa) but lack creative vision for your branding (sundari). You might be clear on the strategy steps you need to take in order to progress (hello, my list making friends) but not so clear on why you just can’t hold onto the money you make. We’re all different and we all have varying strengths and weaknesses.

Part of my job when you work with me on your business is to help you identify your blocks and areas of procrastination and then overcome them. I do this with clarity and insight (and if I’m honest a good dose of intuition). I’m clear and direct but also kind.


The Seven Pillars of Bhakti Business 

KRAMA - sequence

Creating robust structures and processes in the back end of your business. Your offers, your systems and your platforms. 

DHARMA - sacred assignment

Aligning your work and your values so you're doing what you were put here to do.

ARTHA - money

Your business needs to make a profit. We will look at practical financial number-crunching as well as money mindset work. 

SADHANA - business rituals

Cultivating daily rituals and habits to support productivity. Creating and meeting your goals and deadlines. 

SATSANG - community

Who is your work and offerings for? How will you find your people? Ethics and thought leadership. 

ABHYASA - discipline

Focus, repetition, doing the work that needs to be done. 

SUNDARI - beauty

Your website, your brand, your socials, your vibe. The poetry and philosophy of who you are and what you do. 

Some examples of women I’ve worked with already and the results we had:

  1. A client with a yoga studio that was losing money. I supported her to have brave conversations with the landlord and suppliers and cut costs. I helped her get clearer in boundaries around saying ‘no’ when necessary and holding a strong space for her business (for example around yoga teachers who were repeatedly unreliable). Supporting her with the back end admin systems in her business to monetise her community based services.
  2. A client who came from a senior corporate background in strategy. She wanted to launch a mindfulness program for stressed out women in the corporate world. I helped her connect her background in strategy as a skillset she could utilise in her new work and offerings. She now has the vision for a corporate yoga agency well beyond the initial business idea she came in with. I helped her see she had unique contacts and skillsets that she could leverage in her new business.
  3. A client who came into working with me wanting to serve beauty therapists working in a spa environment. We took her initial idea of a self-care ebook and expanded it into an online program applied at the level of management through HR contacts to support employers who run spas to care for their staff.


Some of my skills as a business guide include:

  •  An ability to help you connect the dots between past you (the things you’ve done before) and future you (the things you want to create). Often we unnecessarily compartmentalise ourselves.
  • An ability to tap into the energetics of your business. Your business has it’s own vibe and ‘soul’. Once you get better at defining this and working with it you’ll stop fighting or sabotaging yourself.
  • Clarity around your next best steps, when you're overwhelmed and the wheels are spinning but your profits are not reflecting your hard work. 

What people are saying ...

How I see investing in Katie's Business Coaching offering is that I could have spent the exchange on someone building me a mediocre website and that was it. But instead, I invested in an accountability coach, a holistic business school, a business mentor and someone whom I could trust to give me authentic, constructive feedback who is also akin to an intuitive, oracle.  So much more bang for my buck! (I gained the confidence to do my website on my own as well - which we don't need to all do but is something I enjoy and feel better having control over). I can honestly say, hand on the heart... I would have been happy with the energy and insight I received just from the initial phone call! But it just kept getting better. I have received clarity, confidence and acceptance as a businesswoman moving forward and having Katie as a mentor and having connected with the other businesswomen in our group... is honestly priceless. So grateful for this offering. 10/10 recommend.

Lizz Pennings


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Katie helped me to get really clear on the direction of my business. Before working with her I was offering lots of things and feeling that my energy was scattered and my business didn’t have a clear focus. We got clear on my main offerings and also thought about them in a way that will help me to balance my energy and make my business sustainable over the long term. I’m so happy to be working with Katie in this way and feel really positive about the changes I’ve made in my work.

Tracey Ryan

Health Coach

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Why I do this work and what it means to me

Stepping into this work has been part of a natural evolution and flow for me. It’s grown organically, mainly because I’ve uncovered more and more that I absolutely love building successful businesses.

As a pitta type in ayurveda (fire, fire, fire) I love a new project and I love supporting others to form their vision into being. I created Bhakti Business with this in mind. The results have already been so juicy to watch and this is just the beginning.

It means a lot to me to be able to support women in financial independence, realising their dreams and growing in skill and confidence. I’ve had wonderful mentors myself and it’s a privilege to be able to support others as they step up the ladder too.

Together we rise!

About Katie


Katie Rose is a women’s wellness mentor and educator with twenty-five years of experience teaching yoga and Ayurveda. Katie has managed and owned popular yoga studios in both London and Sydney, and now runs a thriving online community.

Founder and host of the annual Bhakti Women Online Summit, Katie helps women go from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to living a life that is aligned with their highest values. She lives in Sydney, Australia, with her five children in a loud and busy household where her spiritual practices and prayerful connection to the Divine keep her steady.

A little more on the inspiration behind this training

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Ready to get started? 

Choose from a payment plan or one time payment below.

I'm looking forward to helping you to move from overwhelmed and struggling for cash-flow to inspired and profitable.

Business Training with Katie Rose (one payment)

Intimate group business coaching for yoga teachers and spiritual entrepreneurs who want to launch an online offering or expand their current reach. Dates for the next round are coming soon.

1 x Payment $2000


Business Training with Katie Rose (payment plan)

Intimate group business coaching for yoga teachers and spiritual entrepreneurs who want to launch an online offering or expand their current reach. Dates for the next round are coming soon.

12 x Monthly Payments of $168


Let's get this conversation happening!

I love the Whats App group format as a way of organically growing and learning with and from each other. In past cohorts of this program the Whats App group is where some of the best insights have arisen. I’m a talker, and I think really well through the format of leaving voice messages … it helps me get super clear and is a great addition to the group sessions.

I’m pretty much available for unlimited interaction in this way during your time in the program (meaning that the more questions you have, the more of my brain on your business you’ll get).

'My intuition and capacity to hold bigger picture visions for you and your business ideas is my superpower.'  

Katie Rose