Why I Use Kajabi (online business platform)
Oct 06, 2023
Hey, there friends,
Happy Springtime and end of the school holidays!
This last week has been busy at Bhakti Business and I wanted to share with you a few updates.
First of all, I have a discount offer that's only available for the next few days for those of you who have been thinking of setting up an online content offering. As you probably know by now I use a system/platform called KAJABI for my online business. Kajabi is home to my website, database, payment systems, and email marketing (I'm writing this to you now in Kajabi!). I absolutely love it and can't recommend it enough.
The link will give you 20% off any package for a whole year. It's rare that Kajabi offers discounts like this. Here's your link ↓
Get 20% off KAJABI (5 days left)
When I first started my online business I wanted to save money and Kajabi felt expensive. So I didn't sign up with it and instead 'patchworked' my offerings together using a bunch of different platforms such as Teachable and Constant Contact. If I had stopped to do the maths properly I would have realized that all these pieces of the puzzle were adding up to be more expensive than Kajabi and very, very complicated to manage. After about 6 months I switched over to Kajabi and I haven't looked back. thinking of setting up courses or offerings online this is the place to do it. Got questions? Reply to this email (I'll even send you a video with a walk-through of the back end of my Kajabi portal so you can see exactly how it works).
Here's that discount link again
In other news, I've been a busy bee of late recording resources for you. If you're looking for some inspiration in your business look no further ↓
I had the best conversation with Claire Law from Indie Rose Rituals this week. Claire is an inspiring example of walking the talk. We initially recorded for my Ayurveda Goddess group only but there was so much juicy business inspiration in this chat that I had to share it with you. If you want to see an example of some of the most beautiful marketing and branding I've seen in years check out the @indieroserituals Instagram account. It's pure art. Thank you Claire for shining your light so brightly (and making the most exquisite oils ever!) ↓
CLICK HERE to watch the interview with Claire Law from Indie Rose Ritual
I was interviewed by a dear colleague and peer, Amy Landry last week and we touched on lots of different elements of work-life balance and how I run my business. Here's the podcast in full if you'd like to listen (this is a particularly good one if you're juggling business and parenting) ↓
CLICK HERE to listen to the podcast with Amy Landry and Katie Rose
I absolutely love getting your feedback and questions. Don't hesitate to reach out if I can be of support. The next round of the Bhakti Business Group Program will be in early March 2024. If you want to get on the waitlist for that you can do so here www.bhaktibusiness.com.au/business
Our current cohort is nearing the end of their journey in the program and it's been my great privilege to witness the growth in all of them. I'm excited to share some of their stories with you over the coming weeks.
Big love!
Katie Rose x
Want to kick-start your business growth with KATIE ROSE? Here's a helpful list of my most popular resources...