Botox, Tapping and Grey Hair
Sep 01, 2024
Favourite Things September 1, 2024
Hey there sisters,
Usually my first of the month blog post is about my favourite things but I fear this instalment might be more about things I don't like than things I do! Let's see how we go ...
Recently I've been noticing more and more that people's faces look weird and aren't moving properly. I'm not talking about people on TV or celebrities, I'm talking about real women in my life, some of them my close friends.
I don't know if it's my age (I am 46) but SO MANY people I know seem to be turning to fillers or botox or some other kind of (what I consider to be) extreme measures to stay young looking.
I realise I'm sounding quite judgemental. And I checked myself firmly this week when I saw this hilarious and very true clip (I love Cher! Her music got me through High School!).
I recently recommended a business coach to a dear client. The recommended coach has had extensive 'work' done and my client replied to me 'OMG I can't look at her face! What is that!? Anyway all of my ridiculous judgements aside - great thought provoking content.'
Another woman whom I love - Gala Darling - a wonderful teacher and tapping (emotional regulation technique) expert has also had plenty of 'work' done and takes filters to the very edge of what they can do. I laughed so much when someone recently asked her to share a no-filter picture of herself on social media and she posted this.
Botox and surgical procedures for purely cosmetic purposes are not aligned for me. But a lesson I've had to learn again and again in my life is that just because I don't like everything someone does, does not mean I can't find lots about them to like and connect with.
I even extend this to the 'fallen gurus' in the yoga world. For example I don't agree with Yogi Bhajan's sexual manipulation and coercion against women. And I did take his picture off my altar when the horror stories came out. But I still love Kundalini Yoga and regularly practice the techniques.
And no, I'm not saying that getting botox is the same as being a sexual predator.
I guess in the end what it comes down to is personal preference and autonomy.
My dear friend Amy Landry said she'll never use filters on social media because it creates a false sense of what she looks like. And I was nodding my head when I read her words but I love filters (mostly because I never wear make-up and really can't be bothered to start). It's fun to play around with appearances. Like changing clothes and playing dress-ups.
I also like to get my nails done once in a while, may well colour my hair when it starts to go grey (still on the fence there because it has not happened yet but my days are surely numbered). And above all am genuinely interested in becoming less judgemental as I age, not more so.
But I will get more wrinkles, because you can have me on record here as saying I'm not going to be having any procedures done to remove them.
With love and in non-judgement,
Katie Rose x
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